10 christmas gifts for ultra runners
As Christmas rapidly approaches it’s time to start thinking of presents, so if you are looking for some ideas for the ultra runner in your life take a look at our top 10 gifts for ultra runners.
10 christmas gifts for road runners
As Christmas rapidly approaches it’s time to start thinking of presents, so if you are looking for some ideas for the road runner in your life take a look at our top 10 gifts for road runners.
What I learnt from my first ultra marathon DNF
I was so close yet so far and it all happened so quickly. Much like Robbie Britton in the 2015 UTMB I expected my first DNF to be the result of collapsing on the trail and being carried out by the marshalls. The reality was again different. In a split second it was all over […]
St Oswalds Way 100 mile Ultra Race Report
It wasn’t the finish I had dreamed about. I gave up with just 6 miles to go, my mind just lost it and I accepted the offer of a lift back to the finish line. I feel like a failure, that I’ve let both myself down and my support crew (wife and mother) down who […]
Hardmoors 60 Ultra Marathon Race Report
Unusually for a Hardmoors event I woke up on Saturday morning to be greeted by a clear and cloudless sky. Usually its gale force winds and torrential rain so it made a welcome change. The nice weather would have a big effect on a lots of peoples races later in the day. Mine included! I […]
Hardmoors Saltburn Trail Marathon Race Report
The Hardmoors Saltburn trail marathon was hot and tough with the sun beating down. As part of my training for the 100 mile ultras I used it as part of a back to back long run weekend meaning I wasn’t as fresh as I would have liked.
How to run your first 10k race
Have you signed up for your first ever 10K race and need to get fit. This 8 week programme will get you ready for the big day.
Chia Charge Flapjacks Review
I love a good flapjack so was pleasently surprised to see a pretty hefty bar at the bottom of my bag after finishing the Harrogate 10K race last year. I hadn’t read ultra running classic Born to Run by Christopher McDougall yet so had no idea what Chia seeds were so just thought I would […]
Hardmoors Trail Marathon – White Horse Race Report
Hardmoors White Horse 26.2 Trail Marathon Race Report from a wet and windy North York Moors. After hitting the wall at around the 20 mile mark it turned into a sufferfest towards the end.
Hardmoors Trail Marathon – Wainstones Race Report
Brutal conditions with torrential rain and driving sleet make for a tough and challenging race but a good result makes up for it